That don't require any additional health product support!

Being a naturopathic practitioner, I am certainly an advocate of using certain
supplements, homeopathic remedies or herbal tinctures to keep healthy during the
winter months. However, I strongly feel we oftentimes rely on products too heavily and
have forgotten that we must do our part by creating a lifestyle that supports our body’s
immune defenses. Below, I have listed ten lifestyle tips you can implement into your
daily routine to keep you healthier this season. And for those of you also seeking health
product tips, STAY TUNED for in my next article, I’ll be writing about my suggestions.
Wishing everyone a healthy 2021-2022 winter season!
Dr. Rachel Bright, ND
• Get sleep! Our bodies require more sleep during the winter season versus the
warmer seasons. Please put down the devices 1-2 hours prior to bedtime and
get in the snoozes for 7-9 hours to ensure a deep sleep. The longer you sleep,
the more your body heals, and you are stronger against colds and flus.
• Move your body! Aim for at least 30 minutes of outdoor activity. Yes, even on
cold days you can be outside – just bundle up -no excuses! (For those with
poor circulation, like me, buy battery operated gloves and socks to be more
comfortable). This will help keep your lymphatic system moving – which takes out the toxins!
• Eat produce found in season. This means winter squashes, beets, broccoli,
Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery root, chicory, kale,
parsnips, rutabaga’s, turnips, tangerines, and mandarin oranges. These foods
contain the necessary vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy.
While it’s not discouraged to eat produce out of season, just make sure you eat
more of the “in season” produce.
• Practice gratitude. This practice will help stimulate your parasympathetic
nervous system, which helps supports your immune system by engaging it in
less “fight or flight” hormone responses and more “rest, heal and digest.”
• Watch funny videos/shows. Another way to keep your body healthy is through
laughter. Watch clips of favorite comedian on YouTube or a tv show. Currently,
I’m enjoying watching I Love Lucy re-runs!
• Consume animal organ meats. Yes, this tip may seem archaic and repulsive to
many, however, our ancestors used to consume far less muscle meat as we do
in the 21st century. They consumed the organ meats too! The most widely
available organ meats in food form are typically beef and chicken liver. These
contain large amounts of vitamin A, B vitamins, selenium, copper, choline,
protein, and iron. They’re practically a multivitamin in of itself (As long as you
can stomach them). Rule of thumb: have no more than 1-2 servings weekly.
*Special liver-disguised recipe below! *
• Limit caffeine. Yes, this tip is a doozey. However, more caffeine means your
stress glands must fight more and can lower your immune system’s resistance
to fight off an illness. Like coffee? That’s fine. Stick to no more than 10 fl.
Ounces daily. For the rest of the day, try Dandy Blend coffee substitute. NOTE:
Stop drinking caffeine by 12:00 PM.
• Reduce your refined sugar intake. No surprise here, as simple sugars shut off
your immune system for up to five hours! Now, I’m not saying you must go
‘cold turkey’ with sugar all the time, – just steer clear of the bleached variety.
Great sweetener alternatives are honey, molasses, maple syrup and coconut
sugar (and no, agave and corn syrup are not good sugar replacers). I
follow for delicious unrefined sugar recipes. I have
posted one of my winter baked goods favorites below!
• Enjoy 1 tsp manuka honey daily. This is a complete whole food, and it packs a
powerful punch for your immune system! It is more expensive than your typical
honey, but worth every penny. If the high price is a turn off, you can find it
cheaper on your Full Script Portal through my office. (Remember, those 1 year
and younger cannot have honey).
• Eat more warming foods. During cold weather, we must take extra care to
nourish warmth within our bodies to remain in balance. These are typically
what most of us call “comfort foods” or “cozy beverages” during the winter
weather. I have listed them below:
o Vegetables: onions, leeks, chives, mustard greens, pumpkins,
squash, and spring onions; Nuts, grains, and seeds: Walnuts,
pistachios, pine nuts, chestnut, glutinous rice, malt, caraway
seed; Meat, dairy, and seafood: butter, chicken, deer (venison),
ham, lamb, eel, mussels, sea cucumber, prawns/shrimp, goat
milk; Spices: black pepper, basil, cinnamon, chili, clove, cumin,
coriander, fennel seed, garlic, ginger, ginseng, nutmeg, rosemary,
spearmint; Beverages: Chai tea latte, and hot coffee.

Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip Cookies
Recipe from The Beaming Baker:
• 1 cup unsalted, creamy natural peanut butter
• 1 flax egg (1 tablespoon ground flaxseed + 3 tablespoons water, whisked
together, set for 15 minutes) or 1 large egg
• . cup low carb granulated sweetener (Lakanto, Swerve) or organic coconut
• . teaspoon baking soda
• . teaspoon pure vanilla extract (optional)
• . teaspoon salt (optional)
• Add-ins . cup Lily’s low carb chocolate chips or regular dark chocolate chips
1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or greased
foil. Set aside.
2. In a medium bowl, add all ingredients. Using a rubber spatula, fold until very
thoroughly mixed. Fold in keto chocolate chips.
3. Using a medium scoop, scoop and drop cookie dough balls onto the prepared
baking sheet, spaced evenly apart.
4. Press Topping keto chocolate chips into the tops of each cookie. Using the
bottom of a flat glass cup, press down on the top of each cookie a little less
than . way until flat, but still thick. Cookies will spread a bit during baking, so
leave some space between cookies and do not flatten cookies too much.
5. Bake for 12-16 minutes. Mine took 14 minutes. Transfer cookie sheet to
cooling rack and allow to cool for 20 minutes—do not remove from sheet for 20
minutes, as cookies are a bit soft. Then, if desired, transfer cookies directly
onto the cooling rack until completely cooled. Enjoy!

Roasted spaghetti squash Bolognese (with a surprise ingredient!)
Recipe from Further Food
Serves 4
• 1 large spaghetti squash
• 2 tablespoons grass-fed butter or oil such as avocado or olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
• 2 strips of thick pork or turkey bacon
• 3 large carrots
• 1 pound of grass-fed ground beef
• 1/4 pound of chopped chicken or beef livers
• 1 tablespoon dried oregano
• 2 cloves fresh garlic
• 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
• 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
• 2 tablespoons tomato paste
• 1/4 cup non-dairy milk (I prefer coconut milk, but almond milk can also work)
• salt and pepper to your taste
• freshly chopped parsley (for garnish)
1. Preheat oven to 400*F.
2. Cut off the ends of the spaghetti squash and cut down the middle lengthwise.
3. Scoop out the seeds, then rub the flesh of each half with 1 T of oil each.
4. Season each side with salt and pepper. Then, roast both halves face down in a
large Pyrex baking dish for 45 minutes. (I don’t recommend cooking for any
longer). The flesh will be al dente. If you roast it for any longer, the flesh will
become a wet, mushy mess).
5. In the meantime, chop the two strips of bacon and sauté until crispy.
6. Remove bacon and sauté the chopped carrots in the bacon renderings until
7. Add 1 pound of ground beef, chicken livers, garlic cloves nutmeg, cinnamon
and oregano. You may add extra butter or oil if needed.
8. When the beef is cooked, add tomato paste, coconut milk, and the bacon.
9. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
10. Spring some parsley on top for some added green.
11. Allow to simmer on low.
12. When the spaghetti squash is finished, remove from the oven and let it cool for
about 15 minutes.
13. Scrape out the flesh and put the desired amount on a plate. Top with the
Bolognese sauce.
This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Rachel Bright, ND nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.